A crucial time to understand rivers
Conserving water might seem a topical, summer issue. We have just experienced the driest July in England since 1911. July was also a month when the country recorded its hottest day on record, 40°C.
However, during the time we have been running Junior River Rangers we noticed that more than half of those who complete tasks chose to save water as one of the activities.
This show of commitment has inspired us. Following their lead, we have expanded our activities and made water saving a core activity.
The south east of England is classified as water-stressed. This means that the demand for water is larger than the water available in the landscape. Low flows are a major threat to our rivers.
The main causes are over-consumption in areas which have big, dense populations, plus climate change and water management. These factors are putting massive pressures on our rivers and aquifers.
At present, the average person in England uses 141 litres of water a day. We believe everyone has a responsibility to take care of water.
The South East Rivers Trust is working to protect our waterways and the wildlife that thrives within them in many ways.
Help us – become a Junior River Ranger!
If you have any questions about the competition, or our education programmes, email education@staging.southeastriverstrust.org.